Pick Your Own
ALL OUTSIDE PICKING ACTIVITIES HAVE ENDED FOR THE SEASON THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT Due to the resumption of farming activities ,walking in the orchards is prohibited
Pick Your Own Apple
Ended for the season
We do not allow just walking in our Orchards

Please read the rules at the bottom of this page
Apple picking usually runs through the end of October and varieties change each week
Benefits of Apples
Research shows that an apple a day really does keep the doctor away. They’re rich in fiber and antioxidants. Eating them is linked to a lower risk of many chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Apples may also promote weight loss and improve gut and brain health.

Rules for Picking
In order for you to enjoy picking at Blue Jay Orchards, we ask that you and all members of your group observe the following information:
Use only bags purchased from Blue Jay Orchards for your apples. Purchase of a bag is required in order to enter the orchards. Every person in a group or family does not have to purchase a bag, but we hope you purchase an adequate number of bags per group: for example, 5 or 6 people should purchase more than a small bag to pick in. Please be fair.
We do not allow just walking through the orchards without the purchase of a bag, the town of Bethel has a number of open space areas located close to the orchard that allows strolling through to enjoy the fall scenery The Franz property is located near The Orchards on the east side of Old Hawleyville Rd
All “pickings” must be into a Blue Jay Orchard picking bag purchased prior to entering the orchards
Pick only in designated areas. Each day we check the fruits for ripeness and suitability for picking. Picking in undesignated areas will affect the quality and shelf life of your fruit.
Walk carefully through the orchards. Please no running in orchards or parking lots
Pick only what you want. Do not pick fruits and discard them on the ground. When picking, handle produce carefully. Treat the plants and trees with respect. Do not shake or climb the trees.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Please leave all athletic equipment at home or in the car, footballs, frisbees, Tennis balls, Baseballs, etc. belong on a playground and not in the Orchard or Parking areas For everyone’s safety if you want to play sports wait till you are at a sports field or your house
For everyone’s safety, do not throw fruit,
PETS are not allowed in the orchards or Market buildings Do your pets a favor let them stay home and relax, You can pick apples as a family without someone having to stay behind because they cannot go in the orchard We will Thank you and so will your Pet. Service animals as defined by the ADA are always welcome
We do not allow Tailgating or picnicking in our parking lots We have many groups requesting this and we are not able to accommodate these requests Please respect our decision groups tailgating congests our limited parking and may create a backup on the public roads.
No alcoholic beverages allowed in our orchards fields or parking lots

Please leave all athletic equipment at home or in the car, footballs, frisbees, Tennis balls, Baseballs, etc. belong on a playground and not in the Orchard or Parking areas For everyone’s safety if you want to play sports wait till you are at a sports field or your house
For everyone’s safety, do not throw fruit,
PETS are not allowed in the orchards or Market buildings Do your pets a favor let them stay home and relax, You can pick apples as a family without someone having to stay behind because they cannot go in the orchard We will Thank you and so will your Pet. Service animals as defined by the ADA are always welcome
We do not allow Tailgating or picnicking in our parking lots We have many groups requesting this and we are not able to accommodate these requests Please respect our decision groups tailgating congests our limited parking and may create a backup on the public roads.
No alcoholic beverages allowed in our orchards fields or parking lots.